CPN187 Government Compensation Scheme Will Break the Treasury

Newsletter Archive
The Constitution Party was formerly the Democratic Republican Party
registered with the Electoral Commission in 2012
Wednesday 08 April 20
Leader and Founder, Peter Kellow, writes


The UK government support scheme to help businesses keep employees on during the lockdown pays 80% of wages to keep employees on. Seems like a good offer but who thought to estimate the cost?

The government expected a 10% take up. Where did they get that figure? Conjured out of thin air! The Chamber of Commerce has figures now to suggest a 40% take up.

It is now estimated to cost 30 to 40 £billion over the next few months. But why on earth should there not be a 100% take up? Why would a business NOT claim the money? Particularly as the lockdown bites and companies face hardship or wipe out.

I asked before what research has the government done on the likely knock on effects of the lockdown. It is clear there has been no research or even intelligent thought about this. I predict this government scheme is going to hit the headlines as the likely cost rises towards an astronomic figure.

It will hit 100 £billion and to that must be added the lost tax revenues the Treasury will suffer plus all sorts of consequential losses that, again, the government has made no estimate of - and almost do not bear thinking about. And for what? You cannot hold back the spread of a respiratory disease.


These little virus buggers are designed to survive and seek out 80% of the population - riding on air. The government is playing at being King Canute. Nature has equipped us with an adaptive immune system and so the virus just runs its course - and, yes, a few people will die.

So we must target the people who get very ill, especially the elderly and the sick with lowered immune systems. The government says "more testing". So what in the **** is that going to achieve. The virus moves on. People may have it without knowing. The test results are out of date as soon as they are counted - and tell us nothing useful anyway. Testing just hypes up the panic as it suggests the situation is desperate - which it is not, or would not be without the lockdown.

Real scientists have put their careers on the line to tell us CV19 is little different from any flu and milder than some. The cost to the UK government could exceed the parasitic bank bail out of 2008 - but I repeat


Where we do have guidance as to the effect of NO lockdown, eg Sweden, its suggests the lockdown achieves exactly NOTHING. But Sweden does not have a City of London.

The only explanation for the UK government's criminal madness and assault on our lives and the economy is that its is dictated by its lords and masters in the City who want to bring forward the economic crash that was going to happen anyway, one, so that the virus can be blamed and, two, to allow the scoundrels there to secure their financial positions to profit in the maximum from the crash


Boris Johnson getting a quite heavy dose of the virus is a gift to the scam operation. It can be endlessly wound up.

Why do they keep reporting that he is "still conscious". Why would he be unconscious? The guy has the flu not a brain hemorrhage. Moving him to "intensive care" conjures up visions of being plugged into a battery of life support systems, but if you listen he is only there to be close to a ventilator - if needed.

So a place in intensive care, which is an expensive and very well equipped set up is being taken by a patient who needs to be near to a ventilor - just in case. This is over the top. Why is he taking up NHS facilities needlessly?

Our sympathy should go to him. He is ill - probably he was working too much while he was suffering from flu and depressed his immune system. OK, it is understandable. He is PM. But his flu is going to be used as a smokescreen to hide the fact that the virus is peaking.

Calls have been made today by a senior official to let the children back to school as keeping them at home serves no purpose except to retard the process of acquiring herd immunity. But who is listening? The madness continues and the sheeple follow


COVID19 has peaked. So what will they do? It cannot be the end of the story.

The story in fact is only just beginning. The first thing will be to extend the lockdown for this slows down the rate by which the population acquires what Professor Knut Wittkowski calls "herd immunity". Herd immunity is the only kind of real immunity and it is how nature has designed us to cope with the inevitable onslaught of yearly viruses.

The idea that we need a vaccine is pure fantasy issuing from the psychopathic brains of Bill Gates and his like.

The lockdown extension will achieve a number of objectives.

1.delay the acquiring of herd immunity
2. it will prolong the crisis
3. it will deepen the economic distress, numbing people's ability to think rationally
4. it will help manufacture in the minds of the people the reality of the crisis
5. it will provide extra time for the parasites to position themselves financially to profit from the megacrash economic that will soon be upon us

The last thing they want is a feeling that it is all over and we can go back to business as usual for that would separate the virus from the coming crash - and that is against the narrative

So we have to move as rapidly as possible into the financial crash to conflate the economic damage [artificially] induced by the lockdown with the crash. The real culprit for the crash, namely the whole financial establishment and the controllers of economic policy, can avoid blame. It will be another "black swan" event that no one could have predicted

Already, as Enrst Woolf has said, many insiders are positioning themselves to profit from the crash. But the overwhelmingly important aspect of this concerns derivatives, just because of the shear magnitudes of these that that have been constructed since 2008. The should have been banned but that did not happen because the parasites need them as vehicles for wealth extraction and for harbouring their ill-gotten mega-fortunes

They will now ensure that it is the people who suffer the losses not themselves. Derivatives are called hedges but they are essentially bets. Think of it like this. The bookmakers at a race course are the banks, and the punters are the parasitic traders. But at this race course everything is rigged. What they must engineer is all the results leading to the punters winning big time leaving the bookies with the losses.

The banks can then be bailed out by the population. Bailing out the parasites would not be politically possible so the banks must be left holding the baby

But there is a problem. The sums needed are many times greater than in 2008 when the banks were bailed out. This time because of the ballooning of derivatives even our governments will not be able to dig deep and pay, leaving future generations of tax payers on the hook, as they did in 2008.

This is why Ernst Wolff talks of expropriation of citizens' money from their bank accounts. He says - the system is now beyond saving. The IMF has already proposed "expropriating" citizen's wealth as they recommended Cyprus to do taking 25% to 50% out of people's bank savings. Today the virus hysteria will serve the purpose of dispossession by creating confusion and people not knowing what is what.

So that is where this is going. There is little you can do except get your wealth into cash so that your government cannot steal it from you.



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