CDN190 COVID1984 Fellow Citizens Have Become Carriers of Death

Newsletter Archive
The Constitution Party was formerly the Democratic Republican Party
registered with the Electoral Commission in 2012
Sunday 04 April 20
Leader and Founder, Peter Kellow, writes

Many readers have contacted me to say they could not open the link in the last newsletter. It would appear to have been banned by YouTube just as David Icke's interview with London Real was banned after many millions of hits

Our governments are clearly worried by anything that spreads the truth and prompts people to question and think. There is nothing seditious or even extreme in either of these interviews
Fortunately I downloaded the Bruce Lipton interview before the ban and will shortly upload it onto the party website where the authorities [except MI5] cannot touch it. Watch this space
President Macron is expected to announce the extension of the lockdown in all France until the end of May. Why not until the end of the year? There is no logic except the logic of destroying people's lives.
My visit to the boulangerie this morning was truly depressing. People actually believe that you can avoid a respiratory disease by keeping away from people. If you get too close they back off. Fellow citizens become the enemy and carriers of death. The political consequences of that are obvious. Boy! have they done a good job in making the people stupid!
The point is that you will be exposed to the respiratory disease anyway. You cannot avoid it. I have read that this virus is extremely contagious, but less deadly that others. Most of us have probably been exposed to it already, but our healthy immune systems protected us.
The laws of epidemiology say that a virus will not subside until 80% of the population have been exposed to it. We have to be exposed to it to acquire immunity and get past it - always of course concentrating resources on those who are seriously ill
Yes, the lockdown may "flatten the curve" spreading out pressure on hospitals but equally the stress and depression it will cause will depress immune systems meaning more severe cases and more deaths.
The folk wisdom of my parents' generation concerning colds and flu [and weather] has been erased. My parents knew these things come and go, and, yes, a few die. They would never of fallen for this lockdown nonsense.
They knew that old people don't die of the flu but of the pneumonia it ushers in. They even had a word for pneumonia - "the old man's friend" -  for it saved old people from a worse way of exiting the world.
Such a sense of the natural turning of the world and life is now gone. We just count deaths. People have lost touch with reality and acquired sensitive paranoia triggers which can be jerked at any time to release extreme behavioural reactions to order.
I would love to see the rules for this new mass psychology. And it IS new. You won't find it in the standard sources - Bernais, Goebbels, Tavistock Institute. Except to say it is the standard method of creating a bogus enemy and then prompted suicidal actions by the people in a new form.
I repeat what I have said before that the climate scam was preparatory to the COVID19 scam. You teach people to see the enemy in themselves and so they must suffer and sacrifice themselves to appease the forces they have unleashed. It is the powerful emotional centre of guilt that is manipulated. All this is made easier by widespread fear.
People cannot assemble to discuss it so any dissent is dampened.
Videos that go viral calling for reason, like the Icke interview, are suppressed. People remain isolated with the state controlled media their only contact with the outside world.
Oh! Now I remember the source of this new mass psychological method. Not new at all. It is all in Nineteen Eighty-Four



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