Virus Update II

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Update on COVID-19 without jargon or politics,

plus shopping tips aimed at keeping you healthy. 

We have not published anything about the COVID-19 pandemic since our issue devoted to it, which was published a few weeks ago. Our editorial staff felt that the bulk of news about the virus has been conjecture at best, and was politically motivated at worst. We try to counter the  procedures that are being instituted in many jurisdictions with a common-sense look at the prospects for the virus.

Current Treatments Photo


In the absence of a vaccine, the suggested treatments for the symptoms of  COVID-19 have been at times bizarre. The only drug on the market  right now is Remdesivir that is being used with FDA emergency approval.

This drug has proven to have a moderate benefit, which has cut recovery time in 31% of the treatment cases,



In the absence of a vaccine, the suggested treatments for the symptoms of  COVID-19 have been at times bizarre. The only drug on the market  right now is Remdesivir that is being used with FDA emergency approval.

This drug has proven to have a moderate benefit, which has cut recovery time in 31% of the treatment cases,



An antibody test is needed to see if those who have recovered from this virus will be immune from this illness.

An antibody test has been cleared by the FDA, but WHO guidance says that how long these antibodies will last, and how much they will protect against new infections is not known.

Aids History photo


It took over 3 years before the AIDS Virus was understood, then a vaccine created, trials, manufacturing, and finally distribution.

Even with  the pressure for the rapid development path of the COVID-19 it seems too much of a stretch to hope that a vaccine can be processed by fall.

Safe Shopping Photo


  1. Worry about the people. Be courteous and patient. Give them room to keep away from you.
  2. Sanitize carts. If the market isn't doing it, be prepared with alcohol swipes or spray.
  3. No gloves. Viruses attach to them, then transfer to everything the gloves touch. Avoid touching  your face instead, then sanitize and / or wash your hands.
  4. Masks are now mandatory in most places, and the mask worn by the others is the mask that  protects you.
  5. Avoid crowds. Shop early, and shop quickly. Limit your exposure to the fewest people.
  6. Use curbside pickup or on-line delivery. Some markets provide this service. It may cost more, but think of it as life insurance.
  7. Tap to pay. Keypads are touched often, and money too collects germs, Wash after you touch either, and disinfect your cell phone and your credit card too.
  8. Groceries need time to de-germ. Viruses start to die as soon as they touch a surface. After 24 hours, most viruses have lost their virility.
  9. Sing Happy Birthday twice.  Learn how to wash properly. Sing Happy Birthday twice... Slowly to wash your hands after you unpack, before and after you prep your food, and before you eat.
  10. Prepare for the long run. Don't believe tales. Coronavirus is not going to disappear like magic. Smart merchants are investing in protective measures, which show that they don't believe that it will disappear quickly. Certainly, unless the chemists are incredibly lucky, it will be months before a tested vaccine will gain permanent approval.
  11. Freezing your food will not kill viruses, only preserve them.  There are elections coming up, and your governors are politicians, not scientists, so take their suggested treatments and pronouncements as political ads.



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