Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Monday October 11th

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Join me on Soul Talk with Patty Malek


Monday, Oct 11th - 2pm PT, 5 PM ET

Over this two week-period, four planets are turning forward, having been in retrograde motion. We will discuss the significance of this for each: Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury.

We are currently moving through the Codon Ring of Matter, with Mercury in retrograde motion in this ring, and so it is time to review our childhood to see what issues remain hidden, yet influencing us. This includes a review of four Gene Keys: 46th, 18th, 48th, 57th.

What is the bigger picture at play and how can we make our own contribution to
the New Earth!

Plus I will be taking live calls with your questions about the Gene Keys.

There's no charge to sign up. Hope to see you there!
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