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AUGUST 2020       Issue #14       Subscription advisory  -  Antioxidants  -  Virus Update

Subscription Advisory

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The USDA has tested over 100 foods for their official list of the food highest in their ability to eliminate cancer causing free radicals. Our research shows a similar pattern, but other variations than the government list..


The Lucky Thirteen Antioxidants List

1.  Beans - Excellent for heart health, diabetes, controlling appetite, and for reducing the risk of cancer. A good source of protein, iron, amino-acids and fiber. 

2. Blueberries - Good for protecting against cancer and aging, for lowering LDL oxidation levels, and in improving brain function. Contain minerals that maintain healthy bones.

3. Cranberries - High in vitamin C and fiber, cranberries protect against urinary infections and fight aging damage and inflammation.

4. Blackberries - Rich in vitamins A. C. E, and many of the B vitamins. Lots of antioxidants are distinguished by their deep color.

5. Prunes & Plums - Great for good digestion, and an excellent source of potassium, vitamins and iron. They help build bones and muscles, and help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

6. Raspberries and Strawberries- High in antioxidants, and  a good source of fiber. Excellent for maintaining heart health by lowering blood pressure and increasing HDL cholesterol.

7. Delicious & Granny Smith Apples - These two types are particularly high in antioxidants. Like all apples, they are high in vitamins and fiber. Leave the skin on for higher fiber content, but but organics or wash thoroughly to remove pesticides with which they are raised (See our  "Clean & Dirty" previous newsletter.)

8. Nuts -  Walnuts, almonds and pecans are the healthiest nuts, with hazelnuts, pistachios, and macadamias close behind.

9. Sweet cherries - Health superstars, cherries are high in fiber, minerals and vitasmins, and of course, anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.

10. Russet & sweet potatoes - Good sources of vitamins and minerals, they are energy producers, and help keep your liver healthy. Try to eat the skin of the baked russets to get the fiber benefits.

11. Dark leafy greens - Avocados, asparagus, squash, cabbage,  broccoli, radishes and collard greens are among the superstars.

12. Spices & Herbs - Herbs  rich in antioxidants include oregano, marjoram, dill, &  thyme.  Spices that contain significant amounts include cinnamon, garlic, basil, pepper, & cardamom.

13. Red wine & Beer - Provide a big dose of anti-oxidents, as do fruit and citrus beverages. Coffee too is high as are teas, but adding milk to either blocks the effects of antioxidents. 


Coronavirus Latest News and Tips

News gathered from many scientific sources with our stated goal of excising rumor and politics and emphasising  proven facts.


DURATION - We have labored to find true facts as to when this pandemic might ebb and disappear. There is great pressure to reopen businesses to ease the drastic effects of  economic problems.

As states have eased the draconian measures that have been deemed necessary to defeat the spread of the virus, the world experienced yet another record of coronavirus patients on Wednesday, July 8th of more than 56,567 new cases.

We can find no science-based proof that this pandemic will be over this year!


The best hope for secession of the pandemic lies with the development of tests, vaccines and antibodies, a process which has taken several years in envelopment for similar virus based diseases like HIV, SARS, etc. In this regard there is some progress. An Israeli fast breath test awaits fast-track approval of the FDA. Other tests, drugs, and vaccines are also being rapidly developed. We continue to monitor, and will report developments to you.

The problem is that there is very little knowledge of how the virus works, nor how long the vaccines will last.

The World Health Organization originally discouraged the use of pain killers like Advil, aspirin and Motrin because they seemed to facilitate the attachment of the virus to more cells, causing more severe symptoms. The WHO, in the light of further scientific study, reversed track and no longer recommend against these drugs.

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